LauNched: Mobile App
C2C Advisors
Our team designed and built a beautiful mobile app, allowing customers to redeem cash in exchange for unused gift cards.

Check into Cash is an web application used by retail locations to provide instant cash to customers in exchange for gift cards. The application provides an instant offer for gift cards received and customer is able to leave the store with cash in hand.
The problem is that dealing with multiple cards in a store can be very time consuming for cashier.
There is currently no way for the customer to prepare the offer before involving the cashier.
Check into Cash is an web application used by retail locations to provide instant cash to customers in exchange for gift cards. The application provides an instant offer for gift cards received and customer is able to leave the store with cash in hand.
The problem is that dealing with multiple cards in a store can be very time consuming for cashier.
There is currently no way for the customer to prepare the offer before involving the cashier.

Build a mobile app for Android + iOS.
User Flow
– Download app
– Create your account (smartphone camera photo ID)
– Enter first gift card
– Offer of cards is provided
– User can add multiple cards
– Save order for redemption at location

Pre-planning & Wireframes

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